We're enjoying a mini-break in San Francisco - got in late on Saturday night, and have been having a blast ever since.
We are staying at The Laurel Inn, a GREAT dog-friendly hotel. Duane the pooch is loving the treats they left for him, like this wonderful bone!

We like to visit our old haunts and reminisce, and dream about a day when we might be lucky enough to live here.
Even Duane the pooch loves it.

A few pictures from our trip so far...and YES they're mostly of food but that's the thing about SF! Ohhh, that is the thing!
We made sure to visit the Cole Valley Boulangerie,

Later in the day (after a well-deserved nap), we ventured out to Chestnut Street, for take-out from Dragon Well and so I could get myself a new bra. I went into Gap Body, having told my husband that all I needed was ten minutes. A gross underestimation! I ended up frustrated and with a new bra, but not ecstatic with my purchase! Aren't bra sizes supposed to be standard?? Anyway. A quick trip to Miette for some macarons to bring to our friends later, lifted me out of my bra-blues funk.

It was a great day, and I am looking forward to more today and tomorrow. Wednesday, excited to be on to Portland and the Ace Hotel!
Hi! 'member me? Just zipping through to catch up - more later!
Thim, the long-lost one...
I want so of those carbs. The pictures make me hungry
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