Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ModernGear Food:Chocolate gets even better

Please sit down or hold on to something, because I am about to break some news. Chocolate has gotten better. I know - is improving on perfection even possible?

Imagine, if you will, something like, chocolate...plus. How about...luxury chocolate. "But isn't all chocolate luxurious?", you ask. And no, my kitten, it isn't. Not if it's waxy, with impure ingredients and fillers. But you'll never know unless you taste the amazing alternative.

Enter stage right, Vosges Haute Chocolate.
It is for chocolate what haute couture (which is defined as fashionably elegant or high class fashion) is for clothing. This is chocolate that raises the bar so high that drugstore and gas station chocolate bars will never be able to reach it. Feast your eyes...
Ever the intrepid reporter, willing to sacrifice myself in the name of effective and authentic reportage, I dutifully dedicated myself and my partner-in-crime, one ModernGear TV Husband, to the chocolate tasting task.

We decided to test three Mini Exotic Candy bars so that we could pass on a full and complete review to our readers. The box directed us to "breathe...see, touch, smell, snap, bite, sense..." and that's exactly what we tried to do, even when instinct was telling us, "breathe...see, touch, smell, snarf down every last square and snort like a little piggy..."

We started out with the Barcelona Bar, deep chocolate with sea salt and roasted almonds.
On my notepad I wrote...
Hubby: Salty but good. (he's a man who doesn't mince his words)
Me: Salt and chocolate offer a nice juxtaposition.
Hubby: Do you know how to spell that?

Next we moved on to the interesting Macha Bar - deep milk chocolate with undertones of Japanese macha green tea. Hubby: I smell smoke.
Me: It's earthy.

We ended off the tasting extravaganza with Mo's Bacon Bar - deep milk chocolate with alder wood smoked salt, and applewood smoked bacon. Yes, you read that right, chocolate and bacon.
Hubby (after sniffing a piece): I don't like it. It smells like meat...and chocolate. (He still ate it though, so it can't have been all that offensive!)
Me: That might not be such a bad combo. (It was interesting, but I wouldn't necessarily have it again.)

The mini bars we tasted were .5 oz/15 grams for $2.50, and the larger bars are 3 oz/85 grams for $7.50. In addition to mind-blowing combinations, Vosges looks to specialize in presentation and packaging, and their Exotic Chocolate Bar Gifts would be perfect to give as a gift. The Exotic Candy Bar Box Set, $33, was featured in New York Magazine as "the perfect gift".
There are all sorts of fun gift sets like one for the yoga-lover and a Sensory Collection, and hang on to your hat - Vosges also has TRUFFLES, and TOFFEE AND CARAMEL! I dared not start trying those...

If you're at all environmentally-minded, you'll also be happy to note that Vosges has an impressive commitment to being green. Their facility and production processes have been approved as an organic manufacturing facility, their chocolate is produced using 100% renewable energy, and they have all sorts of improvements and changes in a far range from their offices to the packaging.

I got our tasters at Whole Foods - check for Vosges Chocolates at fine food stores and boutiques, or check their stores list for locations near you.

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